Pet Birds ,Devonport, Tasmania

National Parks and Wildlife permit no's 2033/10 /  2063/10

Site built by Garry McTackett 17/05/2004

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Video of a 2 week old Long Billed Corella being hand fed

8 week old Corella being hand

Spoon feeding a 5 week old Long Billed Corella

Spoon feeding a lutino and a green Indian Ringneck

Video of 4 week old Regent parrots being spoon fed.

I thought hand feeding a canary was small but a Quail

Baby Quail thinks the canary is it's mother

Spoon feeding a 3 day old canary

Spoon feeding the same Canary 5 weeks old

Spoon feeding 4 baby canaries

Spoon feeding a 2 week old Cockatiel

Spoon feeding a 3 week old Major Mitchell

6 week old Major Mitchell & 8 week old Corella having some fun

Two 10 week old Major mitchells just having fun

A Cockatiel's best friend (Nutri Grain box)

3 week old Eastern Rosella being hand fed

3 week old Eclectus being hand fed

Eclectus parrots being hand fed at 8 weeks old

Eclectus parrots being hand fed at 3 months old

Hand feeding a Tassie Green Rosella

Inpatient baby budgies

Hand feeding baby budgies

2 Day old Eclectus parrot

Mum helps to feed her babies