Pet Birds ,Devonport, Tasmania

National Parks and Wildlife permit no's 2033/10 /  2063/10

Site built by Garry McTackett 17/05/2004

Australian Parrots

Please select the type of bird you are interested in by clicking the corresponding button below.

Blue Winged Parrot

Bluebonnet Parrot

Bourke’s Parrot

Crimson Rosella

Eclectus Parrot

Elegant Parrot

King Parrot

Princess Parrot

Red-Capped Parrot

Red-Rumped Parrot

Ringneck Parrot

Scarlet-chested Parrot

Superb Parrot

Swift Parrot

Turquise Parrot

Western Rosella

Green Rosella

Regent Parrot

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